Aims and Scope
Asian Journal of Accounting Perspectives (AJAP) is dedicated to providing a platform for researchers to discuss and forward issues affecting Asian countries, exchange ideas and share experiences related to their areas of expertise and interest in a broad accounting and finance research area. AJAP encourages submission to address current development in society and sustainability. We welcome quality research work in the form of a research paper, literature review paper, case study, conceptual paper, and book review that is well written and meet the aims and scope of AJAP.
We welcome submissions of quality research for consideration and publication in Asian Journal of Accounting Perspectives (AJAP). Submissions can be made at any time with no article processing charge (APC). All submitted paper will undergo plagiarism screening. Paper that falls under AJAP's aims and scope will be handle by our editors. At least two independent reviewers experts in the subject area will be appointed for a double-blind review process. The average time of process paper from submission to first decision is within four weeks. AJAP publishes bi-annually at the end of February and end of August. The scope of AJAP includes, but is not limited to:
- Accounting Information System
- Auditing
- Behavioural Accounting and Finance
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Social Reporting, ESG, Integrated Reporting and Sustainability
- Digital Accounting and Finance
- Financial Accounting and Reporting
- Financial Markets and Institutions
- Green Finance
- International Accounting and Finance
- Islamic Accounting and Finance
- Management Accounting and Control Systems
- Sustainability and Environmental Management Accounting
- Performance Management Systems
- Public Sector Accounting
- Taxation
Please review our Statement of Publication Ethics, Licences and Copyright Notice, and Submission Guidelines before making submissions.
Originality and Publication
The manuscript must be original work not under submission to another journal or consideration for publication in another form, such as a book chapter. Authors of submitted manuscripts are obligated not to submit their manuscripts for publication elsewhere until an editorial decision is rendered. The Copyrights for articles published in AJAP remain with the Faculty of Business and Economics, Universiti Malaya as the Publisher.
All submissions must use the journal template that can be download here. No submission/process/publication fee for this journal. However, accepted papers for publication in AJAP (if necessary) are to be sent for language editing/proofreading and at the expense of the Authors.
Review Process
All submitted manuscripts will undergo plagiarism screening before editors evaluate the feasibility and suitability of the manuscript with the AJAP's aims and scope. Then, a minimum of two independent referees who are experts in the area of research is appointed to perform a double-blind peer-review.
Open Access
Articles published in the AJAP are digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. Please refer to the AJAP Licences and Copyright Notice.
Current Issue
Vol. 17 No.2 (2024)
Research Article
Book Review
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