A think-aloud protocol of the translation process of a scientific text introduction from English to Malay
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This study investigates the cognitive processes involved in the translation
process of an English language scientific text, hereafter referred to as the source
text, into the Malay language, hereafter referred to as the target text, via a
think-aloud protocol (TAP). The subject for this study was a Malay lady
lecturer from the Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Malaya, who is also a part-time, experienced translator. The technique (TAP)
involves asking the subject to think aloud or articulate everything that went on
in her mind while she was translating.
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How to Cite
Gurdial Singh, K. K. (2017). A think-aloud protocol of the translation process of a scientific text introduction from English to Malay. Journal of Modern Languages, 14(1), 167–188. Retrieved from https://ajap.um.edu.my/index.php/JML/article/view/3797