Afkar: Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam 2024-07-02T13:59:04+08:00 Professor Dr. Che Zarrina Sa'ari Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>AFKAR: Jurnal Akidah &amp; Pemikiran Islam</strong> (ISSN: 1511-8819, E-ISSN: 2550-1755) adalah jurnal dwi tahunan (Jun &amp; Disember) antarabangsa yang dinilai, diterbitkan oleh Jabatan Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Ia menerbitkan makalah dan kajian ilmiah berkaitan Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam merangkumi bidang kalam, falsafah, tasawwuf, perbandingan agama, mantik dan pemikiran Islam dalam Bahasa Melayu, Inggeris dan Arab. Jurnal ini diindeks di pengkalan data Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI-WoS), American Theological Library Association (Atla) Religion Database, Asean Citation Index (ACI) dan MyCite.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>AFKAR: Journal of 'Aqidah &amp; Islamic Thought </strong>is an international peer reviewed journal published twice a year (June &amp; December) by the Department of `Aqidah and Islamic Thought, Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. It publishes articles and research papers concerning `aqidah and Islamic thought, particularly Kalam, philosophy, Sufism, comparative religions, logic and Islamic thought in Malay, English and Arabic. The journal is being indexed and abstracted by Elsevier's Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI-WoS), American Theological Library Association (Atla) Religion Database, Asean Citation Index (ACI) and MyCite.</p> <p><strong>أفكار: مجلة علمية، دولية، محكمة، يصدرها قسم العقيدة والفكر الإسلامي، أكاديمية الدراسات الإسلامية بجامعة مالايا، كوالالمبور، مرتين في العام (يونيو وديسمبر). وتنشر المجلة مقالاتٍ وأوراقًا بحثية تتعلق بالعقيدة والفكر الإسلامي، خاصة في مجالات علم الكلام، والفلسفة، والتصوف، ومقارنة الأديان، والمنطق، والفكر الإسلامي، باللغات الثلاث: الإنجليزية، والملايوية، والعربية. والمجلة مرخصة، ومسجلة، ومفهرسة من قبل قاعدة البيانات سكوبس (Elsevier)، وفهرس الاقتباس للمصادر الناشئة (ESCI-WoS)، وقاعدة بيانات الدين التابعة لجمعية المكتبات اللاهوتية الأمريكية (Atla)، وفهرس الاقتباس لدول الآسيان (ACI)، وماي سيت (MyCite).</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>م</strong><img src="" alt="" width="173" height="59" /> <img src="" alt="" width="146" height="107" /> <img src="" alt="" width="161" height="46" /> <img src="" alt="" width="159" height="64" /> <img src="" alt="" width="158" height="56" /> <img src="" alt="" width="107" height="48" /></p> Editorial Tribute to Al-Marhum Associate Professor Dr. Wan Suhaimi bin Wan Abdullah 2024-06-30T23:25:32+08:00 Che Zarrina Saari <p>It is with a deep sense of loss and profound respect that we dedicate this issue of AFKAR vol. 26 issue 1 (2024), 24 years after its inception, to the memory of its founder, our esteemed pioneer and first manager, Al-Marhum Associate Professor Dr. Wan Suhaimi bin Wan Abdullah, who passed away on February 27<sup>th</sup>, 2024 [17 Sha‘ban 1445H].</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Contemporary Development in Western Philosophical Problematization of Evil: A Contextualized Overview 2024-06-30T23:34:22+08:00 Wan Suhaimi Wan Abdullah Mohamad Fahroni Hamdan <p>Western philosophical study of religion, particularly by the analytic philosophers in contemporary times, has raised many issues about religious truth in reference to theism. One of the major issues is their problematization of evil, which they treated as logical and evidential arguments against the existence of theistic God. With the consideration of being neutral and objective, their treatment of the problem assumes a dialectical relevance for the theists, including the Muslims, to respond in two customarily ways of either theodicy or defense. However, a question should rather be raised, at least by the discerning Muslims, on to what extent their philosophical formulation and establishment of the problem is relevant to religions other than Western Christianity. This article aims to articulate a contextualized overview of contemporary development in the philosophical problematization of evil especially the ones developed in the analytical discourse. This contextualization is crucial to adjudicate that their treatment of the problem, in its essence, reflects more of the religio-philosophical experience and consciousness of Western man, hence, diluting at once their claim for neutrality and objectivity.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ma’rifatullah of Ibn ‘Ata’illah in the Face of ‘The Peak Experience’ of Abraham Maslow 2024-06-30T23:40:38+08:00 Nur Hadi Ihsan Moh. Isom Mudin Abdul Rohman <p>When a person achieves their life’s principal goal, they feel happier. They experience a diverse psychological condition compared to the average individual, reaching the culmination of their experience at that point. Within the Islamic heritage, particularly in Sufism, the pinnacle aim is <em>ma‘rifatullah</em>. The Sufi Ibn ‘Ata’illah has extensively discussed the idea of <em>ma‘rifatullah</em>. Meanwhile, Abraham Maslow’s concept of the peak experience has gained widespread acceptance in Western psychology. This paper explores the similarities and differences between these two concepts, comparing <em>ma‘rifatullah</em> with the peak experience. Data for this paper was collected using documentary techniques. The authors employ a descriptive, content-analytic comparative method to analyze these issues. This research is conducted within the discipline of psychology, utilizing a Sufi approach. The study concludes that there are both parallels and contrasts between these concepts. The similarity lies in the ecstatic condition experienced by the individual. However, the discrepancies are substantial, primarily due to the differences in the underlying worldviews. <em>Ma‘rifatullah</em> is based on a revelation-based Islamic worldview, while the peak experience is grounded in a Western worldview based on secular humanism.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Influence of Spiritual Factors on Business Survival of Asnaf Entrepreneurs in Malaysia 2024-06-30T23:47:31+08:00 Nor Aini Ali Suhaili Sarif Nor `Azzah Kamri <p>The Covid-19 pandemic and the enforcement of the Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia adversely affected many entrepreneurs including business owners who received zakat assistance. Amidst the challenges, many of them managed to survive and remained strongly motivated. This article hence aims to analyze the spiritual factors that help <em>asnaf</em> entrepreneurs (eligible zakat recipients) during the Covid-19 pandemic to remain in business. A qualitative study was used in this research by interviewing a total of 46 <em>asnaf</em> entrepreneurs from three <em>zakat</em> institutions. The respondents were selected via purposive and snowball sampling methods. The findings of the study show that spiritual factors such as <em>iman, amanah, </em>perseverance,<em> tawakkal and ihsan</em> have significantly influenced the morale and development of <em>asnaf</em> entrepreneurs. Therefore, it is suggested that <em>zakat</em> institutions should not provide their recipients with merely financial assistance, but also non-material spiritual enhancement support such as motivational courses and advisory. Such programs will help <em>asnaf</em> entrepreneurs to uplift their spirit, especially during challenging times.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Solidification of Worldview, Liberation Strategy and Revival of Sunnism Leading to the 12th Century A.D. / 6th Century A.H. Muslim Liberation of Jerusalem 2024-07-01T00:01:03+08:00 Muhammad Husni Mohd Amin <p>This study examines the phenomena leading to the Muslim liberation of Jerusalem in 1187 A.D., namely: (1) solidification of Sunni worldview, (2) liberation strategy, and (3) revival of Sunnism. The study refers to the framework of Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, a contemporary proponent of the Sunni-Sufi metaphysical system chiefly represented by metaphysicians of the focus milieu. The study uses textual analysis to explain the undermining of the Sunni worldview and its later solidification. The historiography method is used by adopting liberally the approaches of A. R. Azzam, Majid ʿIrsan al-Kaylani, and Ali M. Sallâbi to explain the phenomena of Sunni revival and liberation strategy, focusing on the rise of notable figures and operationalisation which contributed to the efforts through the establishment of important centres of learning acting as catalysts for intellectual and spiritual development in the milieu, all of which explain Muslim survival in the wake of Crusader invasion, recovery, and success of the 1187 counterattack.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Theological Reflections: A Comparative Study of Tafsir al-Tabari and Ginzberg’s The Legends of The Jews on Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH)’S Fiery Furnace Miracle Narratives 2024-07-01T00:08:15+08:00 Muhammad Ahmad Ibrahim AlJahsh <p>This study investigates the narratives of Prophet Ibrahim’s Fiery Furnace Miracle in Islamic and Jewish traditions, focusing on <em>Tafsir al-Tabari</em> and Ginzberg’s <em>The Legends of the Jews</em>. Through a comparative and analytical approach, the research aims to identify similarities and differences in the theological precepts and ethical lessons presented in these sources as well as explore the potential influence of Islamic sources on Ginzberg’s work. The findings reveal that the Qur’anic narrative, as elucidated in <em>Tafsir al-Tabari</em>, maintains its superiority by presenting a concise and focused account of the events, emphasizing the core message of faith, trust in God, and submission to His will. The study also investigates the interconnectedness of religious traditions, highlighting the significance of historical and cultural contexts in shaping religious narratives. The results highlight the potential of comparative studies to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of narratives shared between faiths, and they emphasize the importance of recognizing the interconnectedness of religious traditions in promoting interfaith dialogue and cooperation.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ritual and Sprituality: The Tradition of the Tariqah Naqshabandiyyah Khalidiyyah Jalaliyyah in Indonesia 2024-07-01T00:13:29+08:00 Imron Rosidi Masduki Ginda Arwan Darusman Titi Antin Miftahuddin <p>The Sufi Order, known as <em>tariqah</em>, played a significant role during the initial Islamization period in Indonesia, further solidifying the distinct identity of Islam in the country. However, compared to other mainstream Islamic organizations like Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah, <em>tariqah</em> has received relatively little study. In light of recent developments in Indonesia, particularly the conservative turn in Indonesian Islam, there is an increased significance in studying <em>tariqah</em>. This is because it provides insights into the diversity within Indonesian Islam, highlighting that the phenomenon of the conservative turn is not monolithic. Through observation and interviews, this article explores the rituals of the tariqah Naqshabandiyyah Khalidiyyah Jalaliyyah, which are routinely conducted based on Sufi spiritual concepts such as purification, admission, and illumination. These phases aim to enhance the spirituality of <em>tariqah</em> members through moral purification. This underscores that the essence of the ritual is to gradually and cumulatively improve the spiritual quality of its members. The transformation from one phase to another reflects the caliber of its members, ultimately leading to the attainment of the perfect man, a concept describing spiritual perfection for both worldly life and the hereafter.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Searching for Islamic Perspectives on Livelihood Theory: Insights from Al-Ghazali and Al-Shaybani 2024-07-01T00:22:27+08:00 Bayu Taufiq Possumah <p>The main purpose of this study is to explore livelihood theory in the works of al-Ghazali and al-Shaybani, presenting it as an alternative to mainstream livelihood conceptions by highlighting its normative impacts on current socio-economic situations. Through textual evidence, this study demonstrates that both scholars viewed livelihood not merely as a means to income and consumption, a perspective that fails to grasp the importance of livelihood as an end in itself and as a means to well-being. Al-Ghazali and al-Shaybani emphasized that livelihood involves affiliating individuals with social responsibilities, which encompass multidimensional variables (religious, legal, moral, political, social, economic, etc.) that influence each other. In light of this, the study proposes to evaluate the potential impact of their ideas on the latest theoretical developments in livelihood and economic science.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Monotheistic Characteristics of Hinduism from the Perspective of Selected Muslim Scholars: A Comparative Review 2024-07-01T00:27:41+08:00 Asad Ibrahim Khadijah Mohd Khambali @ Hambali Alwani Ghazali Azmil Zainal Abidin <p>Numerous studies by Muslim scholars have explored the monotheistic nature of Hinduism, with contrasting findings. Several scholars, such as al-Mas‘udi, al-Maqdisi, and al-Biruni, assert that Hinduism embraces the unity of God. Conversely, another group of scholars, including Abu Zahra and Ahmad Jasim, contends that Hinduism is fundamentally polytheistic. Additionally, some authors argue that Hinduism partially, rather than entirely, advocates for monotheism. Some Muslim scholarly works also suggest that polytheism has been established in Hinduism more recently. Consequently, readers of these studies may find the monotheistic concept in Hinduism unclear. This article applies the traditional narrative method, describing and discussing prior literature from contextual and theoretical perspectives, to categorically explore and present Muslim scholarly works on the monotheistic characteristics of Hinduism. It also aims to address the extent and nature of disagreements among Muslim scholars on this concept. The significance of this study lies in understanding the views of Muslim researchers on the oneness of God in Hinduism, which will aid in developing policies that promote better coexistence within a multi-religious community.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Islamic Law: Between Revelation and Human Thoughts 2024-07-01T00:34:54+08:00 Zarul Arifin Abdurrahman Raden Aji Haqqi <p>The revelation of religion teaches two ways to acquire knowledge. First, through revelation, which involves communication from God to humans; and second, through reason, which involves using impressions obtained by the five senses as food for thought to arrive at conclusions. Knowledge obtained through revelation is believed to be absolute, while knowledge obtained through reason is considered relative, requiring continuous testing and subject to being either true or false. In the pursuit of truth and enlightenment, a question arises in the age of scientific and technological advances: which form of knowledge is more trusted knowledge obtained through thought, knowledge obtained through revelation, or knowledge obtained through both? The focus of this research is to examine how revelation and human thought work together in establishing Islamic law. For example, when issuing contemporary fatwas for which there is no explicit argument from the Qur’an or Hadith, the <em>ulama’</em> use reason or their intellects in formulating fatwas, ensuring that these fatwas do not conflict with the Qur’an or Hadith. The research method involves a literature review or literature study that includes theories relevant to the research problem. The goal of this research is to determine the relationship between Islamic law and human thought.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Role of the Islamic Guidance Center as an Information and Integration Site for Mualafs in Selected Zones of Peninsular Malaysia 2024-07-01T00:40:23+08:00 Azarudin Awang Azman Che Mat <p>The widespread establishment of Islamic Guidance Centres in Malaysia highlights the importance placed on providing guidance and support to new converts. Apart from describing the development of da’wah in Malaysia and its stages, Muslim converts are also able to channel information about the truth of Islam to the original community and rectify the misconception of being Muslim to the original Muslim community. Thus, this study aims to examine the role of the Islamic guidance center as a center of information about Islam for <em>mualafs</em> (Muslim converts). as well as to identify its role as an Islamic resource for converts in terms of inter-racial integration. This study used a qualitative method, by interviewing five individuals who are directly involved in the management of Muslim converts in Malaysia. The study results found that the Islamic guidance center, whether managed by the Religious Department or NGOs, functions as an Islamic information center by providing basic information about Islam such as Islamic beliefs, Syariah and morals. In another aspect, this guidance center also serves as a source of integration to re-establish intra-ethnic relations with different beliefs and inter-ethnic relations. This research investigates the effectiveness of services designed to assist Muslim converts in integrating with the Muslim community. It explores both the strengths and weaknesses of these services to identify areas for improvement. On the other hand, it provides additional information to the missionary organizations either at the government or NGO level to further strengthen its role in disseminating information about Islam and catalyzing national integration.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Heading to Reciprocity in Islamic Psychology: Coping Adaptive Strategy for Family Resilience During the Pandemic 2024-07-01T00:45:52+08:00 Septi Gumiandari Abd. Madjid Eti Nurhayati Wanda Listiani Ilman Nafi’a <p>This study aimed to analyze the factors contributing to family economic resilience in Muslim communities and introduce the <em>mubadalah</em> concept as a reciprocal thinking paradigm to enrich family practices and comprehension for achieving robust economic resilience. Conducting a mixed-methods approach involving interviews and questionnaires, the findings of the research highlight the interconnectedness between robust family economic resilience and the active engagement of all family members, particularly spouses, in fortifying economic stability. The study emphasizes the significance of comprehensive religious understanding to foster balanced and mutually beneficial relationships within the family. The introduction of the concept of <em>mubadalah</em> serves as a reciprocal thinking paradigm, highlighting interdependence and mutual benefit, particularly within the family context guided by Islamic values. The research concludes that comprehensive religious understanding, a balanced gender perspective, and an adaptive family organizational structure are key factors in building family economic resilience. In situations where families lack comprehensive religious knowledge, economic challenges and difficulties in sharing adaptive roles between husbands and wives may arise. Consequently, the research advocates for a more balanced and mutually beneficial understanding in interpreting Islamic teachings, intending to achieve a more equitable comprehension and prevent biased interpretations that could lead to disparities.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kewajipan Nazar (Penaakulan) dan Keharaman Taklid di Sisi Muhammad Bin Yusuf al-Sanusi Menerusi Karyanya Sharh al-ʻAqidah al-Kubra 2024-07-01T00:55:02+08:00 Mohd Firdaus Mohamad Darwi Wan Haslan Khairuddin Abdull Rahman Mahmood <p>This article discusses the obligation of <em>nazar</em> and the prohibition of <em>taqlid</em> according to Muhammad bin Yusuf al-Sanusi through his work <em>Sharh al-ʻAqidah al-Kubra</em>. The main issues highlighted are: [i] evidence and argumentation of the obligation of <em>nazar</em> on the side of al-Sanusi; [ii] al-Sanusi’s response to those who deny <em>nazar</em>; and [iii] the law of <em>taqlid</em> faith on the part of al-Sanusi. The writing of this article is based on a qualitative study using the content analysis method of al-Sanusi’s work entitled <em>Sharh al-ʻAqidah al-Kubra</em>. In addition, his other works and the works of other scholars related to the discussion are also seen to strengthen the analysis. The Qur’an’s repeated affirmation of <em>nazar</em> makes it a separate obligation separate from the obligation of <em>maʻrifatullah</em> even though the two are closely related. <em>Iman taqlid</em> that is empty of <em>nazar</em> shows the defect of <em>maʻrifatullah</em>. Therefore, al-Sanusi is very strict in the law of <em>taqlid</em> in order to guarantee the safety of the <em>mukallaf</em> in this world and the hereafter.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Falsafah Akal Al-Dihlawi: Analisis Aspek Prinsip dan Hakikat Berfikir Kritis dalam Hujjah Allah al-Balighah 2024-07-01T01:12:21+08:00 Noraini Junoh Mohd Nazri Mat Zin Ahmad Murshidi Mustapha Abdul Manam Mohamad <p>The intellect holds a crucial role in the Islamic worldview and is a prerequisite for the acceptance and fulfillment of all religious obligations. In fact, if a person loses their mental capacity, they are exempt from fulfilling these responsibilities. Today’s globalized world exposes Muslims to various worldviews, including secularism, liberalism, and pluralism, which can influence their thinking. This study aims to analyze al-Dihlawi’s philosophy of reason as presented in the book <em>Hujjah Allah al-Balighah</em> and its relationship with the principle of critical thinking. This study utilizes content analysis to explore al-Dihlawi’s thoughts on the relationship between the mind, heart, and <em>nafs</em> as presented in <em>Hujjah Allah al-Balighah</em>. Through his work, al-Dihlawi argues that these three elements are interdependent and contribute to the emergence of <em>maqamat</em> and <em>ahwal</em>. Moreover, his philosophy emphasizes the importance of nurturing the <em>malakiyyah</em> character over the <em>bahimiyyah</em> character, which involves cultivating a strong connection between the mind and soul. These insights offer valuable contributions to the spiritual structure of Islam, as they can facilitate an individual’s journey toward happiness and deeper knowledge of Allah SWT.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proses Penciptaan Nabi Adam dalam Hikayat Surat Al-Anbiya’: Analisis Perbandingan Antara Tradisi Kesusasteraan Melayu Tradisional & Kisah Dalam Al-Quran 2024-07-01T01:19:51+08:00 Ahmad Zahiruddin Mohd Zabidi Wan Nasyrudin Wan Abdullah Abu Hanifah Haris Khairulnazrin Nasir <p>The Malay Islamic Hikayat is a genre of oral and written literature from the tradition of Traditional Malay Literature. Among the themes of this genre are stories of prophets and messengers that are told as single or group stories. Examples of unique stories in this genre include the <em>Hikayat Nur Muhammad</em>, <em>Hikayat Bulan Berbelah</em>,<em> Hikayat Nabi Bercukur</em>,<em> Hikayat Nabi Mi’raj</em>,<em> Hikayat Nabi Wafat</em>,<em> Hikayat Nabi Yusuf</em>,<em> Hikayat Nabi Sulaiman</em> and others. Among the stories written in this genre that collectively narrate the stories of the prophets and messengers is the story of <em>Surat al-Anbiya’</em>, which brings together 33 stories of the prophets and messengers in one manuscript. Although these stories are originally fables, in the religious context of the Malay Archipelago, the story of the prophets and messengers in this version of the fable has been accepted as authentic because the difference between the fable version and the <em>Qasas Qur’ani</em> version is not recognized. This study will discuss the development of the writing of The Malay Islamic Hikayat in the genre of stories of the Prophets and Messengers, as well as conduct content analysis and comparative analysis of the selected story, specifically the story of the creation process of Prophet Adam. The story of the events of Prophet Adam from the story of <em>Surat al-Anbiya’</em> will be analyzed and compared with the story from the book <em>Kisah Shahih Para Nabi (Sahih Qasas al-Anbiya’)</em>, the original work of Ibn Kathir (701-774H) summarized by Salim ‘Ied al-Hilali. This comparative analysis aims to identify the similarities and differences between the story of the creation of Prophet Adam in The Malay Islamic Hikayat version and the <em>Qasas Qur’ani</em> version. This study found that the stories attributed as revelations from Allah SWT, with the use of the term “<em>Firman Allah</em>” (Word of Allah) at the beginning of the story, are mostly non-Quranic verses.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ضرورة الفكر المقاصدي المعاصر في ترسيخ مبادئ الحضارة الإنسانية: دراسة تحليلية في ضوء التجربة الماليزية 2024-07-01T13:12:51+08:00 Adibah Abu Qar Mhmd Al-Hasan Al-Bogha <p>Contemporary purposive thought is characterized by deep understanding and analysis of matters in a logical way that corresponds to reality. It offers solutions that align with the priorities of human civilization. This research aims to elucidate contemporary purposive thought in its modern directions, highlighting its most important fields, namely: the domains of purposive thought in beliefs, ethics, legal politics, and financial transactions. It also examines the Malaysian experience in light of these fields, showcasing the endeavors of Malaysians, both people and government, in adopting the approach of purposive thought to comprehend and articulate reality, as well as to devise solutions for it. The Malaysian civilization was constructed, its people’s renaissance occurred, and its successful experience was showcased to the world. The research demonstrates the aspects through which the construction of society and human civilization is assessed, utilizing a deductive analytical approach. Contemporary purposive thought was deduced from contemporary scholars of <em>maqasid</em> (purposes) and analyzed in light of the Malaysian experience. The research concludes by suggesting solutions for nation-building through the unique Malaysian experience, which, if implemented in reality, would yield individual and societal development. This can be accomplished by adhering to the principles of contemporary purposive thought, which empowers humans as active participants and beneficiaries within the universe, as everything in this universe exists to serve humanity.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 التصوف الإسلامي المعاصر برؤية الطريقة الكسنزانية 2024-07-02T13:59:04+08:00 Qais Abu Younis Muhamad Faisal Asha'ari Mohamad Zulkifli Abdul Ghani Abu Dardaa Mohamad <p>Sufism has become a focal point for researchers seeking its invaluable benefits, as it offers solutions to numerous societal problems. This study explores modern Sufism, particularly amidst the intellectual turmoil and conflicts prevalent in contemporary societies. Emphasizing modern Sufism’s ability to nurture hearts and cultivate good values and morals is crucial in such contexts. While many Sufi groups worldwide focus inwardly on the soul and heart, al-Tariqah al-Kasanzaniyyah offers a modern Sufism perspective and method capable of addressing contemporary challenges. This study aims to present the concepts adopted by al-Tariqah al-Kasanzaniyyah in treating hearts and reforming societies through its integrated Sufism approach, serving as a model for other Sufi <em>tariqats</em>. The researcher employed an interview as a research method to collect authentic information, including personal interviews with the Shaykh of the <em>tariqah</em> and its students. In addition, the descriptive-analysis method is used to analyze the writings about Tariqah al-Kasanzaniyyah and the teachings of the shaykh. The study concludes that Sufism, according to Shaykh Muhammad al-Muhammad al-Kasanzan, aims to fulfill the objectives of the Muhammadiyah message at all life levels, from individuals to society, thereby achieving the essence of the Islamic message and spreading goodness, mercy, and love for all humanity.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024