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Maizatul Akma Aziz
Nik Rafidah Nik Muhamad Affendi


The word patriotism is derived from two Greek syllables, ‘Pater’ meaning father and ‘patris’ meaning land. The combination of these two syllables gives the meaning of the love of a fatherland in English (Maurizio Viroli 1997: 2). Patriotism, therefore, implies a deep sense of people's love for their country. This gives us a very clear sense that patriotism is a feeling that is embedded in human beings to love the homeland where humans are rooted and to carry on with life's activities. This research focuses on the concepts of patriotism found in Obasiah Haji Usman Formula Termodinamik novel, Destinasi Impian by Mohd Ismail Sarbini and Pelari Muda by Ghazali Ngah Azia. This novel is best used as a late childhood and early childhood reading material. The society's backdrop in this novel represents the present age. The objective of the study was to analyze the concept of personal patriotism. The researcher uses the text analysis method. The findings show that personal patriotism is important in the minds of present and future generations to create a harmonious nation. The spirit of patriotism is very important in shaping the agenda of independence and for maintaining the sovereignty of the homeland.




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How to Cite
Aziz, M. A., & Nik Muhamad Affendi, N. R. (2019). PATRIOTISME PERIBADI DALAM NOVEL-NOVEL PILIHAN. JURNAL MELAYU SEDUNIA, 2(1), 63–92. Retrieved from